The Dog Blog
A Free Resource for
New and Experienced Owners

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On Grief and Losing a Loved One
Darcie Jennings2022-12-22T14:50:24-08:002022-12-22|
A very special client emailed me today letting me know her dog had recently passed. Even though she had lost [...]
How To Measure Progress
Darcie Jennings2022-11-14T11:22:00-08:002022-11-14|
How To Measure Progress Success is not a straight road to the finish. It’s got ups and downs and often times [...]
Quality Canadian Dog Collars and Tags
If you're anything like me, you want sustainable products for your dog that you know will do the job, last [...]
Is Your Dog’s Collar Too Tight or Just Right?
Did you know…. ....that a dog's neck can expand when they get hot? ???????? It can! Just like your feet, [...]
Dogs Still Need to Be Dogs
I recently worked with the sweetest, almost-senior dog. His previous owner had taught him to be such a perfect [...]
When Is Rehoming Your Dog The Best Option?
Rehoming a dog is a very taboo subject. After all, dogs are for life, no? For me that’s a definite [...]
Is Your Dog A Strong Puller? Try This
Head halters can be a really useful tool, especially if you have a powerful puller or a dog that is [...]
Teach Your Dog To ‘Get Dressed’
Does your dog play keep away when you want to put his collar, harness or head halter on? Here’s a [...]
Puppy Socialization Tips While Social Distancing
If you’ve just brought a puppy home, you may be stressing out about how to socialize them right now with [...]
Should All Dogs Be Saved?
Telling someone that they need to euthanize their dog is the shittiest part of my job. I entered this career [...]
A Channel Miniseries
Follow along in this 6-part series, as Darcie speaks to A Channel and gives a crash course in the basics of essential training techniques.