The Dog Blog
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From Alpha to Understanding: A Dog Trainer’s Journey
I used to be one of those trainers who taught using dominance as my base for all behaviour. Even after [...]
Dog Park Etiquette: Are We Having Fun Yet? Understanding Body Language in Play
Let’s talk about play. What’s normal and what’s not? What’s okay and what’s pushing the limit of appropriate? How do [...]
What’s Your Dog’s “Type”?
A friend messaged me the other day saying he noticed that one of his dogs seemed to have a preference [...]
Getting the right focus
As I have a high drive dog, I have had many challenges curbing her energy and focusing her on a [...]
Thank You Communicanine!
Thank you so much for taking on the challenge of training our little girl, Tia. You are the only one [...]
No more biting issues!
Charlie is doing great! The biting/mouthing is not really an issue any more. If it does happen, it ends pretty [...]
Positive change to positive training
Thanks for all your help with Charli and being so patient with us (mostly me!) as we transition to this [...]
A Channel Miniseries
Follow along in this 6-part series, as Darcie speaks to A Channel and gives a crash course in the basics of essential training techniques.