Training Tips & Techniques
Here you will find a collection of training techniques and tips that will both enhance your dog’s skills, but also deepen your understanding of your dog’s behaviors and how to break bad habits.

Recent Posts
Teaching Your Dog To Love Being Caught
If you have a dog who refuses to be caught when he is off leash, always running away every time [...]
Teaching Your Dog to Drop A Toy
Now, be honest. How many times has your dog picked something up that he shouldn't have or stolen a ball [...]
How to Fade the Food Lure
Having a dog that "only works for food" or "only listens if he knows I have a cookie" is one [...]
The Key to Successfully Training Your Dog
We all admire those well trained dogs at the park or out walking with their owners and wish ours listened [...]
Trail Etiquette: 5 Ways to Share the Trails
We undoubtedly live in one of THE. BEST. places to walk our dogs in all of Canada, but sometimes we [...]
Introducing a New Dog Into Your Home
It's SO EXCITING bringing home a new dog, right?! And we all hope that the new dog will get along [...]
Walking Made Easy: Teaching Your Dog To Wear A Head Halter
If you have a hard time walking your dog on a leash due to mobility issues or you have a [...]
Teaching Your Dog To “Find It”
It's that time of year where the weather is starting to become cold and gross, making the temptation to shorten [...]
Pulling on Leash
One of the biggest complaints I get from owners is that their dogs pull on leash. Here I explain why [...]
Teaching “Go Potty” on Command
This week I'm sharing with you one of my FAVOURITE life hacks - how to teach your dog to go [...]
A Channel Miniseries
Follow along in this 6-part series, as Darcie speaks to A Channel and gives a crash course in the basics of essential training techniques.