Welcome !

If you have any online course or training-related questions, please direct them to our forums and a trainer will respond to you as soon as they can.

By logging onto the community and activating your profile, you are considered to be in agreement with the terms and conditions listed in our community guidelines.

Please take a moment before beginning to review them.

My Courses

Sorry it seems as though you are currently not registered for an online course.

If you believe this is a mistake, please contact us.

Course Documents

Pdfs are also integrated within the course but are available here for quick reference. Please make sure you have enrolled into the course before attempting to access them. To do this, go to your subscribed course and click enroll.

Sorry it seems a though you are currently not registered for an online course.

If you believe this is as mistake, please contact us.


Please read the community guidelines.
To report abuse or violations, please contact us.

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Viewing 14 topics - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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Please read the community guidelines.
To report abuse or violations, please contact us.

  • You must be logged in to create new topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Go to the Profile section on your top nav. Once there, click EDIT PROFILE and scroll down to CHANGE PASSWORD.

Your courses will be listed either on your dashboard or under the COURSES section of the top menu.

Once there, click ENROLL.

Once you are enrolled, click on the Course title and it will bring you to your course introduction.

Make sure to mark each lesson as completed, to keep track of the lessons your dog has achieved.

To continue a course where you left off, click on VIEW TABLE under your desired course’s enrollment statues (in the MY COURSES dashboard section).

Once there you can click on any lesson that you would like to tackle.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the COURSES section on the menu.

Once there, you will see all of your courses, as well as the lesson you have completed and have yet to complete.

Click on whichever lesson you would like to jump back into.

Near the end of your subscription, we will send out an email with promotional options to extend your training that are not available to the public. If you do not receive this email before the end of your subscription, please contact us directly at [email protected]

This discounts are a LIMITED promotion and may only be used once.

If you have unique circumstances, please contact us at the email above and we will try to accommodate.

No, as long as you purchase new courses through the same user account and email that you purchased the first one, it will be adding to your account automatically.

For example, if you purchase both the Perfect Puppy 101 course and the Mind Your Manners Online course, both forums and courses will be listed here under one profile and user account.

You will have access to both private Community portals.

If you have any issues, please contact us.

COURSE SPECIFIC FORUMS: The online Community and forums that are attached to your subscribed course are private and only accessible to currently enrolled students. Any posts or questions are only visible to current members, moderators and the trainer.

GENERAL FORUM: By default, every account registered is included in the General Discussion forum. Here you can talk to both new and old members, as well as members that are not yet enrolled in a course. Any posts or questions in this forum will be visible to ANYONE logged in to our online portal.

ALUMNI FORUMS: Alumni forums are only accessible and visible to those that have previously subscribed to one of our courses. For example, if you have completed the Puppy program and your subscription is expired, you will be automatically added as an alumni member and removed from the “currently enrolled forum.

To view our guidelines, visit here: Community Guidelines